
The free exchange of goods as an aspiration to well-being and a factor of cultural and participatory enrichment of peoples: this is the figure of the Fontarnisi brand.


It was way back in 1891 when Luigi Lollobrigida with his family emigrated to Brazil in search of job opportunities to improve the living conditions that in Italy, at the time, and in Abruzzo in particular, was on average made of hardship and deprivation. Part with the desire to win, but also with the strength of an eternal bond with the native land.


From the Lollobrigida family all the present progeny have been produced, made up of almost a thousand descendants who currently contribute to the important presence of Italian ethnicity in Brazil.
After more than 100 years, descendants of the two Italian and Brazilian branches, they met again in Tagliacozzo in Abruzzo and then reviewed in Cruzilia in Brazil.


The deep emotional bond of the family is strengthened and generates a precious result: the desire to work together that gives birth to Fontarnisi srl, a company that has united the cousins ​​of the two parts of the ocean, Italy and Brazil, being able to count on the different and valuable skills and experiences gained in two worlds.


We offer our customers only genuine products, able to satisfy the most attentive consumer, respecting the environment and eco-sustainability.


We bring food products to the tables that combine the great tradition of the territories with the needs of modern production.


We guarantee a fast, safe and efficient service thanks to our commitment and our competence in the import-export sector.